23rd January 2024

Random Updates

I ordered this cat bag at the end of last year, from Innocent World (though it appears to be a LaLuice bag) and I found out today that she will only be arriving in April. Although I understand that it is normal to wait, and I should have checked when the expected ship date would be, I am a little disappointed about this, since I was hoping to use it with my pink coord at the Valentines' day tea party in Scotland next month. In any case, my order was confirmed not so long ago, and I'm really excited about it, since I've really wanted one of the LaLuice cat bags for a while. I also discovered that there is a preorder on the LaLuice website for the cat bag in black, pink, and white. The black colour is very tempting... But I also love my black bunny bag, and I would have a hard time choosing which friend to bring with me.

Also very excited to discover that the cat bag I did ordered has a name and she is called Ruby.

I have recently purchased the skirt and the OP (though it doesn't really feel like an OP if I can't wear it without adding a skirt 🤔 ) from this coordinate, which were in-stock at Atelier Pierrot this month. I felt like I really loved the idea of owning a Marble lace monster of my own. I know that a lot of people who got into lolita fashion in the late 2000s and the 2010s really dislike this style of lolita, but to me it just has a hugely punk attitude, and this combination is just really fun to picture myself in. I was a little unsure on whether to go for this OP with the black lace, instead of the white lace, but I just felt like the white lace was a lot more of a committment to the old-school lace monster look, which I was excited to make, and I also felt that it went really well with this lace skirt. If I had gotten it in black it would have gone better with more of my black skirts, and maybe the tartan also, but I honestly just really loved this combination. Overall the combination is perhaps a little outside of my regular style, but my regular style got a lot more casual recently since I've been trying to wear almost daily lolita.

Ever since I started accessing older websites, and creating my own website for the small web, I have begun to understand the importance of archiving web pages to be accessed at a later date. It is incredibly frustrating when you progress to a page used as a reference which has been deleted, and so I try to save many pages that I use with the Web Archive project. I think this is really helpful for projects like Lolibrary, which is a massive reference library for lolita fashion. Listings are often deleted from shop websites after they have sold out, which can make it hard to keep information prepared about a piece.

The loss of information and history around this fashion makes projects like Lolibrary and Lolita History so important, and I am so grateful for the people who maintain these projects. And of course I am also very grateful for people who run small blogs from which I have been able to access information about lolita fashion.

Recently I have been thinking about removing the option to follow my RSS feed on my website. I don't have an easy way to maintain this functionality, and it has become something that slows me down a lot when adding journal entries. It's quite stressful to keep it up-to-date. I know that I don't have to do anything I want to, so I think it might be easier for me if I just allow people to view my journal entries when they want to view them, rather than updating my RSS feed. I know that it's possible to see when I have updated my journal on my front page and on my Neocities profile also, so I'm not sure how much value is added by the RSS feed. Although, saying that, if it was easier to use the RSS feed to update my website log, I would probably have kept up to date with it better.