12th September 2024

Kamikaze Girls

Last night I watched Kamikaze girls for the first time. This film was so much fun! I bought it on blu-ray when it was released earlier this year, and decided that last night would be a great time to watch it, since it got really cold recently and I was feeling under the weather, I wanted to snuggle up under a blanket and watch a film.

I really enjoyed the reluctant friendship between the two girls, and I loved how Momoko felt that she only wanted to wear beautiful clothes, because I could relate. I also found a lot of the references to Japanese delinquent/yakuza culture had been done in a really fun and enjoyable way. Momoko being an absolute monster on the pachinko machines was hilarious

I also really loved each of Momoko's outfits. It was clear that a lot of love went into putting these together, and I appreciated that.

One of my local lolita communities has plans to screen this film in a local cinema, and I bought a ticket for it! I'm really looking forward to going. I'd like to wear something inspired by Momoko's outfits, but not the same, since I don't have anything exactly the same. Probably I will wear something from Baby The Stars Shine Bright, since this is Momoko's favourite brand.

I wanted to grab pictures of each of her outfits, but I actually watched it on a Playstation 3. I could do with getting another blu-ray player for my PC since I lost mine.

Weird thought

I was thinking today about the rhyme "A sailor went to sea sea sea".

A sailor went to sea, sea, sea,
To see what he could see, see, see.
But all that he could see, see, see,
Was the bottom of the deep blue sea, sea, sea.

If it's true that he could see the bottom of the sea, surely he would have spectacular vision? This sailor would be a miracle. Imagine the scientific discoveries!